Monday, May 31, 2010

Coupon Crazy


A week or so ago Lindsay Blain invited me to go to Natasha Scott's coupon class. Unfortunately, I had to go to the primary activity and couldn't make it. Lindsay, however, brought over a giant notebook and masses of coupons and taught me everything she learned. I have had so much fun the past week finding deals with Lindsay. It feels like I'm on a treasure hunt! haha So here is a pic of my first week of booty! Almost everything I got is pictured here except for 4 packs of plastic solo plates and cups and 2 of the OFF clip ons. I got $91.70 worth of stuff for $48.50!!! I am now obsessed and driving Joe nuts with coupons! More updates to come...Hopefully now that I'm on summer vacation I can update more at Renee's request:)
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  1. Yeah...a blog update!!! Did you not attend the coupon class we did...traitor

  2. Way to go girl!!!! I LOVE that you posted a picture!! Keep it up girlfriend!!! Can't wait to shop with you again!!! :)
