Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Bittersweet Birthday

This morning is my 24th Birthday. Started off great.  Wearing a new outfit my mom bought me. Maria came to my room first thing this morning to give me my present.  A picture frame with a picture of me with all of my students that came to see my show on Saturday night.  I have been feeling extremely blessed lately. I have a great husband who is so good to me, and a job where my students care about me and I care so much about them.  Unfortunately, as I was sitting at my desk first period, literally reading an article in the commercial appeal about the "live in" issue Shelby County Schools is facing currently, in walks one of my brightest new students with his arms full of text books.  From the look on his face, I knew something was wrong.  He told me, " They don't believe that I live with my grandmother so they are kicking me out of school and sending me back to Southwind."  My heart sank.  They can't do that! This boy in the first three and a half weeks has shown more potential to succeed than any student I have taught in 2 years.  He is so smart.  SO polite.  So creative.  So kind. He even sold his coupon books! He thanks me at the end of each lesson for teaching.  

He continued to tell me the whole reason he wanted to come to Germantown was to do theatre.  He had already been volunteering to work in our box office during his study hall.  He has been waiting for play auditions to roll around. I am so angry and sad about this.  I understand that our school is crowded.  I understand that there are a lot of students that should not be enrolled here.  But this is a good kid.  And to lose him this morning.  Really broke my heart.  

Happy Birthday.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Lee and Patrick
My favorite Art teacher and film and video teacher.


Some times it is wierd to think that Allison was my teacher (her first year was my senior year). She scared me alot when I was in school. Now I am the opposite of scared of her! She had helped me immensely over the past two years, not sure I will ever be able to handle my self as gracefully as she, but I aspire.

Courtney and Patrick

Courtney=the sweetest, most humble person I know.

EFB and PatrickPosted by Picasa
I certainly could not try to explain EFB in just a few sentences on a blog post. I am very grateful for this man. He taught me a lot when I was a student and has taught me even more as a teacher.
We have had some long days together! My friend, my lunch bud, my co-director the A in A&W.
I love my coworkers! My job sucks a lot some times but I am lucky to work with these people who are extremely dedicated and just darn funny! These pics are from the fine arts banquet(AKA a greuling 3 1/2 hour long evening where we give awards to all the fine arts students under the sun). By the time it is over we are all miserable, but it is nice to recognize all of the hard work our students do all year long. AND as if 3 1/2 hours wasn't enough time together, we went out for drinks afterwards!
Here's to another great year at GHS!

Monday, May 31, 2010

Coupon Crazy


A week or so ago Lindsay Blain invited me to go to Natasha Scott's coupon class. Unfortunately, I had to go to the primary activity and couldn't make it. Lindsay, however, brought over a giant notebook and masses of coupons and taught me everything she learned. I have had so much fun the past week finding deals with Lindsay. It feels like I'm on a treasure hunt! haha So here is a pic of my first week of booty! Almost everything I got is pictured here except for 4 packs of plastic solo plates and cups and 2 of the OFF clip ons. I got $91.70 worth of stuff for $48.50!!! I am now obsessed and driving Joe nuts with coupons! More updates to come...Hopefully now that I'm on summer vacation I can update more at Renee's request:)
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Friday, March 5, 2010

Hallowed Halls of High School

While walking outside my classroom I hear all sorts of interesting conversations.


They lead a hard life...

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Did you ever....

Today one of my dear students randomly asked, "Mrs. Walz, did you ever go to the fair and pay three dollars to see the world's biggest rodent?"

My response, "Nope. I paid $2.50"

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Oh Boy....

My acting classes are working on group project presentations on American playwrights. Someone mentioned that Tennessee Williams thought he had breast cancer at one point in his life.

Unnamed student walked up to my desk and asked very quietly "Do you think female dogs can get breast cancer?"

And I was just saying I didn't have anything good to post on my blog. He later followed up with, "Or better yet, what about birds?!"

Pretty sure thats not covered in my curriculum...

Friday, February 12, 2010

New Idea!

So I know I haven't been good about updating...sorry Renee :) I had an idea of short little things to post on my blog! THINGS MY STUDENTS SAY! Genius right?!

Today's question comes from a very sweet student who can be very talkative at times. We just finished watching THE PIANO LESSON by August Wilson because it is Black History Month. We watch the Hallmark movie version. The kids really enjoy it.

SO we finished the movie and said student was completing her assignment: Analyze this play using Aristotle's 6 Elements of Drama (Action, Theme, Character, Language, Music, and Spectacle) She worked all period long and then asked me what she was supposed to write for Theme. I told her to just write a few sentences telling me what the theme of the play is.

Her response :" WHAT'S A THEME?!"

Don't you think by the time you are a sophomore in high school you should have learned what THEME is?! ho hum.

Stay tuned. It's only 2nd period. I'm sure I'll have more to come!